How to Measure Noise

How much noise is present in your media? When establishing a quality control process with user submitted content or processing a large collection of audio this can be an important consideration in delivering audiences with clean audio.

The Analyze API can be used to learn how much noise is present in a given file. The Quick Start to Analyzing Media provides steps to follow to get results for your media.

Sample Response

When inspecting the output for noise data there are a few data points of interest.

  "processed_region": {
    "audio": {
      "noise": {
        "level_average": -64.72,
        "snr_average": 41.99


The level_average gives us the average level of stationary noise measured (in dbFS) across the length of the file.


The snr_average gives you the stationary noise measured as a signal to noise ration (in dbFS). Generally, a low SNR is a mark of a healthy level of noise.


Want to measure noise at scale?

Take a look at the Analyzing and Enhancing Archival Recording Collections blog post looking at noise across a Library of Congress collection.

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